Tired of team burnout, repetitive paperwork & tasks, low referral rates and "transaction-based" patient care?

It's time to rethink your patient communication process.


Do you feel like you’re stuck in the never-ending loop of Groundhog Day?

Whether you’ve seen the popular Bill Murray film or not, you’re already living it:

Repetitive paperwork and patient forms

❌ Patients showing up late (or not at all)

❌ Dealing with unhappy patients repeatedly asking “when is it my turn?

Struggling to gain new patient referrals on a regular basis

❌ And feeling like every patient experience is just a “transaction

Then waking up the next day to do it ALL. OVER. AGAIN.

(Actually, hitting snooze for as long as you possibly can because you’re just not excited to repeat it all over again today.)


The reality is — nearly every headache your office is dealing with can be boiled down to one issue:

Your patient communication process.

And having a poor patient communication process leads to:

Internal Issues💀

🚨team exhaustion & burnout due to unfulfilling, repetitive tasks

🚨inefficiency & high employee turnover rates

🚨poor team culture & morale

🚨mountains of unnecessary paperwork & sticky note to-dos leftover at the end of the day

🚨the feeling that every patient experience is just a “transaction”

Patient Problems🤦‍♀️

👎patient no-shows and late arrivals

👎patients who aren’t a match for your services

👎low referral & re-activation rates

👎longer patient wait times

👎less time spent interacting with patients

Even if you feel your current process is working, or even pretty good...

If you’re still taking appointments over the phone☎️,
sending patient reminders through your EHR system📌,
using chatbots on your website🤖,
or collecting patient paperwork in the office📋 —

🙅 Your patient communication is 
unclear and outdated. 🙅‍♀️


Imagine having a simple and systematic patient workflow that your team can TRUST & your patients will LOVE!

Learn the proven communication formula that will completely transform your patient experience and:

➡️ Keeps patients coming back & happily referring their friends and family members.

➡️ Is fulfilling and easy to understand for your team AND your patients. 

➡️ Instantly improves efficiency AND reduces burnout across your entire office. 

➡️ Has your patients ranting & raving in 5-star reviews about their amazing experience with you. 

➡️ Completely eliminates in-office paperwork & wait times for your patients.

Yes, it really IS possible!

You can improve your patient experience, boost team morale & efficiency AND have new referrals knocking down your door in no time.

And all you have to do is...



If you’re ready to set your organization apart and have your ideal patients lining up to get an appointment on your fully booked calendar…

Then it’s time to stop interacting with patients like a call center.👎


  And start communicating with them HOW, WHEN and WHERE they prefer —

through text messaging.

That’s why I got rid of mine more than 5 years ago.

Since then, I've only been communicating with my patients via text. 100%.

Answering patient questions, scheduling appointments & collecting referrals — all over text.

And it's given us the opportunity to help more than 10,000 families thrive.


I'm Dr. James Thomas,

a Pediatric Dentist based in Bellevue, Washington.

I opened my first practice, Everyone By One, in 2007 with the belief that all children deserve access to excellent oral healthcare and should be seen by the dentist by age 1.

After seeing countless families dealing with similar oral health symptoms, I opened health:latch in 2017. We're a niche healthcare clinic dedicated to helping parents struggling with infant feeding, oral dysfunction and oral restrictions.

But the truth is, shortly after opening my second clinic — things started to get rough.

My team and I were feeling burnt out. We were struggling to fill the schedule with patients who needed our services. And there was also a big patient educational component we were missing. 

I knew my clinic wouldn't make it even 2 years — unless I got the right systems in place first.

(Since then, we've had the opportunity to help 10,000 babies and families thrive.
Learn how we turned things around in the video below!)



investing in more complex phone systems that are going the wrong way down a dead-end street.


I want to help you skip past all of the lengthy, expensive trials and failures that I underwent — and instead, get straight to implementing a proven patient communication process that really works.

Your patients AND your team will thank you!

Save yourself time, money & headaches with a proven patient communication process it took me and my team 15+ years to develop.

Yes, tell me more!



Your team will thank you and be genuinely excited to come to work each day…

“Our team's communication culture, referrals, growth, job satisfaction, AND peace of mind have all been changed for the better.”

Kristin Horwath & Jennifer Ainsworth
Balanced Baby




And it’s not just your team that will be happy about your new process…

Your patients will be happily recommending you to friends & family as well:

“Look no further for incredible doctors that are changing the game when it comes to patient focused healthcare!”


Something as simple as a text
can make your practice feel “white gloved and concierged.

And give your patients

the best medical experience we’ve ever had!



No More Phony Business Course

Discover the power of HIPAA-compliant text engagement for your office!

In this course, you’ll learn how using HIPAA-compliant text can help your healthcare organization:

✔️ Create a happier team culture
by reducing burnout & overload

✔️ Get rid of repetitive admin tasks and spend more time with patients instead

✔️ Fill your schedule with pre-qualified patients that are a perfect match for your services

✔️ Drastically reduce patient no-shows in your office

✔️ Eliminate in-office paperwork & wait times for patients

✔️ Create a built-in patient referral system for patients & fellow healthcare professionals

✔️ Make internal training a breeze with a crystal-clear patient process

✔️ Implement a systematic communication process in one or multi-location healthcare models

No More Phony Business gives you access to a proven patient communication process that will work for any healthcare organizationregardless of size, specialty or niche.

What's Included?

This course is perfect for you if ANY of the following is true:

  • You’re a healthcare professional tired of the “transactional nature” of today’s patient care models
  • You want more patient referrals & returns
  • You feel overworked and overwhelmed by repetitive admin tasks
  • You’re experiencing employee turnover, burnout or difficulties with training new team members
  • You’re struggling to find & fill your calendar with patients who are a match for your services
  • You’re open to trying new technologies that dramatically improve your patient experience & outcomes

Most importantly, you want to get back to doing what you do best — helping your patients!

YES, that's me!

Here’s what’s included in this
6-module video course:


INTRO: Value, Message & Communication

These 3 things form the foundation of your organization's ultimate success — or failure. In this important module, you'll learn how to truly start connecting with your patients, including:

  • The 3 pillars of a relationship-based patient process
  • How to take your patient process from IDEA to ACTION
  • Developing and refining your brand promise & experience for patients

CAPTURE: Building Your Patient Pipeline

In this module, you'll learn all about how to CAPTURE new patients online through simple practices — and without spending any money on advertising:

  • How to supercharge your new patient discovery & communicate effectively online
  • Discovering your ideal patient based on your office’s services
  • Delivering a personalized, educational experience to patients using a templated text sequence

QUALIFY: Helping the Right Patients Choose You 

After you've CAPTURED an interest from interested new patients, now is the time to QUALIFY them and make sure they're the right fit for your services. In this module, you'll learn how to:

  • Use text communication to build trust in your expertise & get patients excited about their care
  • Communicate your care process clearly & effectively to patients AND team members
  • Fill your schedule confidently with patients who are a match for your services (and what to do when they aren't)

CONNECT: Creating Happy Team Members & Patients

Now, it's time to bring it all together and CONNECT with new and existing patients, as well as your internal team, through HIPAA-compliant text communication. You'll learn how to:

  • Gain new patient referrals with a built-in referral system
  • Build a real-time admin workflow to eliminate in-office paperwork & repetitive admin tasks
  • Leverage text to tackle every administrative task previously done once the patient had arrived

The Customer Journey Sequence

See CAPTURE, QUALIFY and CONNECT in action! Check out HIPAA-compliant text communication at work with patients in a real clinical setting:

  • Train your team to quickly & easily respond to patient inquiries and schedule appointments
  • How to collect patient paperwork and insurance via text (BEFORE the patient ever comes to your office!)
  • Handle all admin tasks in real time — and in just seconds — with a templated text sequence

Putting It Into Practice

See CAPTURE, QUALIFY and CONNECT in action! Check out a behind-the-scenes look at HIPAA-compliant text communication at work in a real clinical setting:

  • Train your team to quickly & easily respond to patient inquiries and schedule appointments
  • How to collect patient paperwork and insurance via text (BEFORE the patient ever comes to your office!)
  • Handle all admin tasks in real time — and in just seconds — with a templated text sequence

No More Phony Business Course

Early Bird Special — SAVE $500!


Full course access to all 6 modules (includes 12 videos) & printable course materials for you AND your team


Plus, you'll also receive:

✔️ The Course Map PDF with 54 key touchpoints to CAPTURE, QUALIFY and CONNECT with new & existing patients

✔️ Time Tracker Worksheet to guide you through key course touchpoints

✔️ The Architecture of Text for Healthcare with the 5 key elements you'll need to transform your patient experience

✔️ Important Links & Resources with next steps to begin implementing text communication in your office

✔️ AND a chance to win a FREE 1-hour coaching session with Dr. James Thomas! ($350 value!)


What happens after you enroll in the course:

1- You’ll get instant access to all 6 modules & course materials to complete at your own pace

We’ll send your username and password / registration link directly to your email inbox.

2- You’re automatically entered for a chance to win a FREE 1-hour coaching session with Dr. James Thomas! ($350 VALUE)

3- You’ll also receive first access to course content and updates

Yes, I'm Ready to Transform My Patient Experience!

Frequently Asked Questions


If you have 5 seconds, you have enough time to completely transform your patient experience.


That’s how long it takes to send AND receive a patient response via text.

Not 10 minutes on the phone.

Or 30 minutes spent tracking down a response, then sending an email.

Or 1 hour spent tracking down phone numbers, leaving voicemails and playing phone tag with patients.

5 seconds.

It’s time to invest in your patient experience, your team & the future of your clinic.

Because in a world of instant gratification, it’s becoming more & more critical to stay up with the times — or get left behind.

5 seconds might just be the difference in your clinic making it the next 5 years.


Count Me In!


Send me a text at 425.736.8547 with any questions you have about the course or your organization's unique situation.

Or, feel free to send me an email at